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Re: active connections when hibernating

What do you mean by "Hibernating"?

Any process will need to be running in order to close connections;
otherwise, the kernel has to at least track that "This connection has
been closed by the other side, but not yet acknowledged as closed by
this side.".

On 7/13/07, Jens Kubieziel <maillist@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'm running a tor server on Debian etch ( It's currently
hibernating. Today I needed to restart it. After the restart the number
of active connections dropped
(<URL:http://www.kubieziel.de/tmp/br.png>). Why had it open some 30
connections even if it was hibernating? It's not used as OP or anything
else, just a plain OR. Also the restart freed approx. 200M RAM.

Jens Kubieziel                                   http://www.kubieziel.de
Pazifisten sind wie Schafe, die glauben, der Wolf sei ein Vegetarier.
Zarko Petan

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
