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Re: google cookie

On Wed, June 3, 2009 12:02, Karsten N. wrote:
> And I got cookies from google.com!
> Is it possible? I can not believe it. It is not a problem for me, I
> can disable cookies. But it is interesting.
the answer is pretty boring, instead ;-)
Firefox contacts google on startup on, at least, two occasion:
1) the firefox  homepage on google.com, I think this case does not apply
to you as, if I recall correctly, debian modified it to "about:"
2) the phishing site list: the default behaviour is to ask google for
sites while you browse but you can switch it to download a daily list of
known phishing sites on startup. in either cases the browser will contact
google services.


Marco Bonetti
BT3 EeePC enhancing module: http://sid77.slackware.it/bt3/
Slackintosh Linux Project Developer: http://workaround.ch/
Linux-live for powerpc: http://workaround.ch/pub/rsync/mb/linux-live/

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