What is ELE? ELE is a bootable Live CD Linux distribution with focus on privacy related software. It is based on Damn Small Linux and aims to be (obviously) as small as possible. The first release was 65M, the current one 61M. What does it include? Irssi, Gaim, Dillo, Firefox, SSH, VNCviewer, Xpdf, most of the standard Linux apps like wget and vi. It uses the Fluxbox window manager. Everything, except VNCviewer at the moment, passes thrugh Tor. When using Dillo or Firefox scrubbing is done by Privoxy and the Google search engine has been replaced by Scroogle. More information is available at http://www.northernsecurity.net/download/ele/ Changelog for 0.0.2 (050323) - Added NTPdate - Possible to create and run a Tor server (menu -> System -> Daemons -> Torserver) Needs testing - Xvkbd, a virtual keyboard, installed for those hardware keylogger moments - Dillo has replaced Firefox as default browser Doesn't support SSL/TLS or CSS but its fast, small and got a very nice privacy policy Uses Scroogle instead of Google Runs of course through Privoxy and Tor - Firefox Not installed by default, but can be installed though the menu (menu -> Apps -> Net -> Firefox) Upgraded to Firefox 1.0.1, actually smaller than the previous one To bad we need Pango and since that screwed things up the flashplugin was enabled just for the sake of it Some tweaks done, taken from www.tweakguides.com/Firefox_1.html - SSH runs through Tor thanks to connect - VNCviewer runs through SSH, but not Tor - Cleaned up the menus showed by pressing f{2,3} at boot - Fixed "modules.conf is newer then modules.dep" - Removed mount.app - Removed some orphans - Remove BitchX. Install Irssi. Get 4M for free - Removed man-files and documentation. Waste of space - Removed NFS from cpanel since its not installed
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