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Startup script (OSX) broken

 does anyone know why these changes to /Library/StartupItems/Tor/Tor
should break it?
Polipo is started, but Tor isn't : "sh /Library/StartupItems/Tor/Tor start" shows as a sleeping process.

StartService ()

    if [ -f $TORCMD ]; then
        if pid=$(GetPID Tor); then
            return 0
        ConsoleMessage "Starting Tor Service"
# Tentative
# Start Polipo
/Applications/Vidalia.app/Contents/MacOS/polipo -c /Applications/Vidalia.app/Contents/Resources/polipo.conf
# Making sure it is not running (I know it is not a best approarch)
        killall tor 2>/dev/null
                /usr/bin/tor --user tor --hush -f /Users/tor/torrelay DataDirectory /Users/tor/tor  ControlPort 9051 HashedControlPassword 16:<xxx> CookieAuthentication 0 RunAsDaemon 1

I haven't changed the config file and I can still start Tor by su-ing to the tor user.


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