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Re: set up relay
On Fri, 23 May 2008 15:53:21 +1000 Alto <alto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> top-posted:
>hi madjon and all
>(1) i did a google search for "how to check firewall ports address hosts file" and up came a list of online port scanners
>i chose pc flank
>and the reslut below scared me, so i deleted the 4 ports i had manually opened below.
Ports cannot be "deleted". Your statement is meaningless. If you mean
that you either "closed" them in your router firewall by deleting or
deactivating the RDR and/or NAT rules regarding those ports on your computer,
then that means something. Likewise, if you meant to say that you shut down
the program(s) listening on those ports, that also means something, but it
means something different from doing something on your router firewall.
>(2) i do not think i have a router ...
>what do you think is the next step for me now?
> :9090 - Private OR Port
> :443 - Public OR Port
> :9091 - Private DIR Port
> :80 - Public DIR Port
>PC Flank Results of Advanced Port Scanner
>TCP CONNECT scanning (scanned in 3 seconds)
>We have scanned your computer' ports used by the most widespread trojan horses. Here is the description of possible ports' statuses:
>"Stealthed" (by a firewall) -Means that your computer is invisible to others on the Internet and protected by a firewall or other similiar software;
>"Closed" (non-stealthed) - means that this port is closed, but your computer is visible to others on the Internet that can be potentially dangerous;
>"Open" - Means that this port is ready to establish (or has already established) a connection with remote address. It also means that your computer is vulnerable to attacks and could have been already hacked or infected by a trojan/backdoor;
>Port: Status Service Description
>137 stealthed NETBIOS Name Service NetBios is used to share files through your Network Neighborhood
>138 stealthed NETBIOS Datagram Service NetBios is used to share files through your Network Neighborhood
>21 closed FTP File Transfer Protocol is used to transfer files between computers
>23 closed TELNET Telnet is used to remotely create a shell (dos prompt)
>135 closed RPC Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is used in client/server applications based on MS Windows operating systems
>139 closed NETBIOS Session Service NetBios is used to share files through your Network Neighborhood
>1080 closed SOCKS PROXY Socks Proxy is an internet proxy service
>1243 closed SubSeven SubSeven is one of the most widespread trojans
>3128 closed Masters Paradise and RingZero Trojan horses
>12345 closed NetBus NetBus is one of the most widespread trojans
>12348 closed BioNet BioNet is one of the most widespread trojan
>27374 closed SubSeven SubSeven is one of the most widespread trojans
>31337 closed Back Orifice Back Orifice is one of the most widespread trojans
>80 open HTTP HTTP web services publish web pages
>(2) i do not have a router as far as i know ...
>Quoting Jonathan Addington <madjon@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> (1) Make sure your firewall isn't blocking said ports.
>> (2) If you have a router make sure that said ports are being
>> forward to the
>> computer running Tor. This is usually easier if you use a static IP for that computer.
You ran PC Flank, which reported that your system appeared to be okay, so
shut down tor. I guess I don't understand what problem you're asking about.
Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet: bennett at cs.niu.edu *
* "A well regulated and disciplined militia, is at all times a good *
* objection to the introduction of that bane of all free governments *
* -- a standing army." *
* -- Gov. John Hancock, New York Journal, 28 January 1790 *