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Re: [tor-talk] improvements torstatus.blutmagie.de

> https://torstatus.blutmagie.de is still alive now with five additional
> columns:
> "FirstSeen"
> ===========
> Date when router's fingerprint was first seen starting 10/27/15. All
> routers alive before are dated 2000-01-01 simply meaning I have no clue
> about the past. The summary table on page bottom displays the total
> number of routers first seen after 10/27/2015.

Thanks for adding this column. To make it more useful you could
bootstrap the first_seen column via onionoo data:


> "ASName"
> ========
> The IPv4 AS Name based on info from whois.cymru.com.

It would be nice to have the country code in a separate column instead
of mixing it with ASName.

thanks for operating and maintaining torstatus.b.d
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