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Re: Pseudonymity for tor: nym-0.1 (fwd)

Jason Holt writes:
> http://www.lunkwill.org/src/nym/

This idea sounds promising. Just issuing the pseudonyms, and even
making them expensive, is only half the job though. The other half is
using them to provide some kind of consequence to bad behavior. This
is much harder to define and may require human decision-making to
judge whether a particular complaint is valid or not.

There may be a superior technical solution than blind signatures. The
problem with them is that all uses of the pseudonym are linkable.
While that can be helpful in a way, for example distinguishing between
old and new pseudonyms to make old ones more valuable, it also hurts
privacy. There is no "forward secrecy", so if a nym's identity is
discovered, that discloses all his previous activities.

A newer technology allows pseudonyms to be used unlinkably, while
still allowing them to be blacklisted in the event of a complaint.
This would stop future usage of a nym without revealing previous uses.
There may be patent limitations, however. More information will be
provided when available.