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Re: AYT?

Justin Bradford wrote:

>> (4) Now as Adrian is here again I predict that ppg2d will move quite a bit.
>Don't these overlap the GGI base quite a bit?
>Or are they primarily going to be wrappers?

It's mainly wrappers for now, and later it will concentrate on high level
stuff (Sprite/Layer/GUI/... management etc). There's no collision with GGI
stuff and we (Adrian and me) are both on the GGI list so that possible
collisions can be prevented.

>Also, does anyone happen to know the status of the multiplayer code?

>The only functioning multiplayer stuff I've seen is zombie...

Dan said that Activision wants to release its Multiplayer lib as Open
Source (with a Qt-like license). Perhaps that's an alternative...


Windows IS NOT a virus...viruses do something.