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Re: PenguinFile

Christian Reiniger writes:
 > ><
 > ><Then ppfOpen () needs to be *really* overloaded - and the API would be
 > ><unusable from plain C...
 > ><
 > >Not really, you would only need a single overload; one that took a
 > >number, and one that took a string. The string version, I take it, is
 > The thing is that C does not support function overloading at all.
Yes it does.
        ppfOpen(char* string);
        ppfOpenById(int id);

But I assume this is not what you meant.

 > ><>Though, most files ARE really hardcoded into the game, if you look at
 > ><Hardcoding files in the game is bad practice IMHO. It's perhaps OK for
 > >that little oh-lets-write-another-pong-clone-tonight game, but for bigger
 > >games it's really bad.
 > ><
 > >Depends on what you mean by "hardcoded". They wouldn't be hardcoded in
 > >that they coudln't change, so they could be updated.
 > Only by recompiling the game. With "hardcoded" I mean that the names of all
 > (or most) of the used files are specified in the code, not in some data
 > file.
 > A good handling would e.g. be to have a fixed main configuration file
 > ("mygamerc") that contains the name of the levels' main map files, which in
 > turn contain the names of the mesh/texture/soundeffect/... files they use.
 > So you can exchange all game data by simply copying some files around.
 > ><Occasionally I download a bunch of levels/maps for Quake or Halflife, copy
 > ><them to my game dir and thest them (-> the simplicity I talked about) and
 > ><after a while when I need some more space on my hdd I just remove the bad
 > ><ones. That's one of those scenarion I'm thinking about.
 > ><
 > >Yes, I see how that behavior is nice (you don't have to tell the game
 > >where the maps is, you just need to tell it to play them).
 > >
 > >However, you couldn't do that with this feature, atleast not the way
 > >you've sketched out to me.
 > Of course the game needs to support this a bit. The overloading-for-updates
 > is just one of the scenarios. Shoddy argumentation from my side ;). The
 > important thing is that these things require that the file names are *not*
 > compiled into the game.
 > ><>Giving the PenguinFile client a way of updating pak files is a good
 > ><>idea, I think, regardless of wheter it is possible to overload mounted pak
 > ><That's relatively easy to implement (2 or 3 function calls) either in the
 > ><game or a seperate utility. I don't think an extra API function for this is
 > ><needed.
 > >
 > >It is a feature that just about every larger game will need, and while,
 > >no, it's not a major hassle to implement, I don't think it's as trivial to
 > >do as you say it is. These are the things you would need to do to update a
 > Yes it is ;)
 > (read on before you reply to this)
 > >1- build a new pak file, combining the old pak file with the update one,
 > >comparing file dates along the way.
 > >2-delete the old pak file.
 > >3-rename the new pak file to the name of the old.
 > >
 > >to build the name pak file, you would need to do this:
 > >
 > >1-create a complete mirror of the directory structure and file names of
 > >every file in the old pak file, aswell as any any new files in the update
 > >pak file.
 > >2-pass this structure to some function that will then build the new,
 > >updated pak file 
 > >
 > >Doing number 1 is not an extremely hard job, though it's not very
 > >interesting to implement, and it's also something that I imagine can create
 > >a few memory leaks. Not any work here to speak of.
 > >
 > >As for doing number 2, I wasn't able to find any PenguinFile API that
 > >wrote pak files. The closest thing I could find was ppf_WriteInPak, which
 > >should only work for format 1 pak files. (it isn't implemented either :)
 > >
 > >I don't know if there is suchs an API, but I couldn't find it (I didn't
 > Of course, because it's only in my head yet. I haven't described it in the
 > docs yet because I'm not 100% sure about how the functions will look like
 > and behave. Just 95%.
 > Here's a quick rundown on the main new API functions:
 > ppfCreatePak (const char *Name, <all the header parameters>);
 > will create a new, blank PakFile. For filling it it needs to be mounted
 > somewhere.
 > This is the most uncertain one of the functions - I'm not sure if
 > the create-mount-fill-umount thing is the best way and the "header
 > parameters" thing will most likely replaced by a struct holding all those
 > info (passing >= 8 parameters to a function is evil and the number of
 > paramers will slightly differ between the Pak formats).
 > ppfCopy (const char *source, const char *dest, int flags);
 > will copy the file or dir at source to dest - recursively if needed (or
 > specified).
 > That means updating a pak will require roughly that code:
 > while (there_is_another_update)
 > {
 > 	ppfMount (TheUpdatePak, TheCommonMountpoint, ppfMF_override_files);
 > }
 > <prepare header info>
 > ppfCreatePak (NewPakName, HeaderIfo);
 > ppfMount (NewPakName, TmpMountPoint, ppfMF_write);
 > ppfCopy (TheCommonMountpoint, TmpMountpoint, ppf??_recursive);
 > ppfUmount (everything);
 > >The point is that doing this from the game is not that much work for the
 > >game programmers. It shouldn't take even a very unskilled programmer more
 > >than an hour, at most, to do it. However, as virtually everyone will be
 > >implementing this behavior, I don't see why a ppfUpdate() feature should
 > >not be included.
 > See, it's just unneccessary ;)
 > >I would go for having both an utility and an api function. This way,
 > >programmers can call the API directly, but they (and everybody else who
 > >migth want to update a pak file) can also do it from ... well, the linux
 > >command line interface (I got a bit of vocabulary to learn, it seems :)
 > "shell" or "cmdline" for short ;)
 > ><>A) I don't actually have linux. I've made up my mind to get it one of
 > ><
 > ><You could do a Win32 version of PFile.
 > ><
 > >Besides the POSIX file handling, is there any other incompatibilities in
 > >PenguinFile towards WIN32 I should know about?
 > Not yet. The memory mapping stuff will be however.
 > ><Well, one of the nice things with Linux is that it already comes with one of
 > ><the best compilers available - gcc
 > ><Plus a multitude of other development tools - debuggers, build and
 > ><configuration systems, doc generators, excellent editors etc. So don't
 > ><worry about this issue ;)
 > ><
 > >There's a compiler in the kernel?!? I take it you mean that most
 > >distributions come with a compiler... ;)
 > 'fcourse ;)
 > >This gcc, does it do things like templates? What about member function
 > >templates? (one of the reasons I'm geeting VC 6.0 is that VC 5.0 doesn't do
 > >member function templates). How old is this gcc? Does it have bugs?
 > Yes (except for a very minor exception), yes, 0.2 - 25 years ;), propably,
 > but I haven't found one yet.
 > About the age: The first version was IIRC written in the seventies, and the
 > newest version in about 2 months old.
 > >Isn't there any integrated development environments? IE, do you then
 > >have to write make files and invoke the compiler, builder and debugger from
 > >the command line?
 > There are some IDEs, but most of them are in a relatively early development
 > stage. the LGDC pages (http://sunsite.auc.dk/linuxgames/) list some of them.
 > But even if a real superduper-mega-killer-IDE was available, I'd still
 > prefer the cmdline. IDEs always put all kinds of junk in your source dir,
 > makefiles etc. And I haven't found a single IDE with a decent text editor
 > yet ;)
 > ><Well, the bad thing is that I'm in the middle of a greater change in PFile
 > ><so there is no stable code to play around with. But you could nevertheless
 > ><already have a look at the code. The internal directory handling code for
 > ><example is more or less in its final state. Are you familiar with cvs or
 > ><should I prepare a tarball (or zip) of the sources?
 > ><
 > >I wouldn't exactly say I'm familiar with cvs, but I did manage to get my
 > >hands on the code. I wasn't easy though! first I got a program called
 > >WinCVS, but after half an hour, I simply had to conclude that it just
 > >didn't work, or, more probably, I couldn't get it to work (wouldn't
 > >connect). Then I got the "real" command-line driven thing and sorted it out
 > >in about half an hour. Had a little problems with it getting my password
 > >form the keybord...
 > *grin*
 > >I tried to get the thing to compile in VC++, but, as you might imagine,
 > >that was impossible. If you could get me the POSIX file handling headers, I
 > >think I could get it to working though. It wouldn't build, but then that's
 > >ok for now.
 > Descriptions coming via privmail.
 > >The make file also doesn't work for VC++. You'd really think that that
 > >kind of thing would work the same for all compilers on all platforms, but
 > >well, it doesn't :)  It stops at the very first line complaining that there
 > >shouldn't be a + sign in the line.
 > Well, VC++ make is primitive compared to GNU make ;)
 > And our makefiles also make use of autoconf, so converting them is even
 > harder. You'll have to create your own makefiles/project files from scratch.
 > >Btw, why are you using POSIX-specific functions? Why not just do
 > >everything through the standard library?
 > Because the standard library has no functions for directory reading.
 > >Something just occured to me: if all the basic functionality has to be C
 > >in PenguinPlay, how on earth are you going to get that event system going?
 > >It's templated to it's very core...
 > We won't ;)
 > We have a simpler procedural event system for the lower levels
 > (cvsdir/src/PenguinEvent/). The one you're talking about is only for the
 > higher levels.
 > >pps. Is the mailinglist usually so quiet, or am I just not subscribed
 > >properly to it? This "emzlm" program did send me a message saying that I
 > >was subscribed, but there hasn't been a single message for two days.
 > It is rather quiet, but not *this* much. Did you respond to the mail you
 > got from ezmlm? Unless you do that you won't get anything.
 > 	Christian
 > --
 > Drive A: not responding...Formatting C: instead
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