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Re: [pygame] crash when quiting, initing, quiting...

Rene Dudfield wrote:
> Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?  If someone wants to help, and they need 
> the source code I'll be happy to send it along :)
> I tried using pygame.init() and pygame.quit() instead but it still crashes.

rene, first make sure you are using the latest version of pygame. there 
were a couple reference-count problems that could cause crashes on exit 
with pygame (back in the 1.0ish days). Anything with python-1.2 and 
above should be safe (can't remember anyone having these types of 
problems in awhile)

the other thing i am suspecting is that you are running pygame from IDLE 
(or the PythonWin editor). if so, it is the editor that is crashing. 
IDLE and PythonWin don't work with graphical programs. you'll either 
need to run python from the shell, or run with an editor that works.
you'll have better results with something like IdleFork or Scite.

if none of these sound like your problem. the next step will be figuring 
out what hardware and drivers are being used. instead of just 
"pygame.init" and "pygame.quit", you should try going through the python 
modules that need initializing one by one. i'm guessing it'll either be 
mixer or display crashing. test them out individually like this,
pygame.display.init(); pygame.display.quit()
pygame.mixer.init(); pygame.mixer.quit()

as of pygame-1.4 and python-2.2, pygame can print out a traceback when a 
segfault happens. this might help you narrowing down where exactly you 
are crashing (when things get more compilcated then just pygame.init/quit)

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