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Re: [pygame] Network game programming with python

"In regard to your mainloop, what's wrong with registering those events
with the reactor?  That's the Twisted way of doing things.  Here's an
oversimplified example:

FRAMEDELAY = 1.0 / 30.0
def oneFrame():
   if not over:
       # call oneFrame after a short delay
       reactor.callLater(FRAMEDELAY, oneFrame)

if __name__ == '__main__':
   from twisted.internet import reactor
   # call oneFrame at the next reactor iteration
   reactor.callLater(0.0, oneFrame)

I was thinking about doing something like this.  That way, I can keep the familair game loop while still benefitting from twisted for the network stuff.  However, where would the gamestate be kept?  Obviously, whatever twisted calls back into will need access to the state somehow, and the mainloop needs state too.