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Re: [pygame] font/text in pygame


Thank you for the clarification. I am very new to pygame, and am
trying to adjust.  I realize that I am not "printing" text to this
window in the same way I would print text to a console window, I was
just including the code to show what I had done before (at the moment,
the high score list is displayed in the console window).

What I am trying to find out is how (if possible) to get my text high
score list (a list of tuples with names and scores) to something I can
render on the game screen. I have images that are constant, which are
rendered as pre-made gifs (or whatever), such as a fixed "Game Over"
message, and so on.  But I cannot figure out how to get a dynamically
changing object like my high score list to be rendered onto the game


On 4/26/05, Bob the Hamster <Bob-pygame-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2005 at 03:57:51PM -0700, D. Hartley wrote:
> > So with pygames, if I want to display text on the graphics window, I
> > can set the font and size and so on, and set what I want my text to
> > be.  But if I wanted python to grab that text from a list, say, how
> > would I do that? I can do it in the print command, as follows:
> >
> >                         for score, name in high_scores:
> >                             slip = 30 - len(name)
> >                             slip_amt = slip*" "
> >                             prefix = 5*" "
> >                             print prefix,name,slip_amt,score
> >
> > (slip et al. is spacing stuff - not the prettiest code to do it, but it works)
> >
> > But in any case, font/text will only take strings - i cant pass in a
> > list, or an index to an item in a list (which is, in this case, a
> > tuple), and since the items in the list will be changed and updated
> > obviously i cant just type in the items as strings myself.
> >
> > any ideas? does this question even make sense the way it's worded?
> > It's a last-ditch effort to get my high score list onto the graphics
> > window before i have to abandon it :)
> >
> > Thanks!
> > ~Denise
> You are going about this wrong. What you need to understand about
> displaying text in pygame is that it works nothing at all like
> displaying text in a console. In a console, you print text, and it goes
> to the cursor position, but within a pygame window, you render text to a
> surface, which you then draw on the screen. You aren't really working
> with text, you are working with a picture of text.
> ---
> Bob the Hamster