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Re: [pygame] PyOpenGL Release 3.0.0 (final)

Hi Mike!

Will PyOpenGL 3.x be rewritten in the future to use SWIG, Pyrex or
Python extensions written in C to improve performance? Is there a possibility
of mixing ctypes with Python extensions in C for the more critical parts?


On 2009-04-01 (Wed) 17:48, Mike C. Fletcher wrote:
> PyOpenGL is the traditional OpenGL binding for the Python language  
> (Python 2.x series).  This release is the first major release of the  
> package in more than 4 years.  PyOpenGL 3.x is a complete rewrite of the  
> PyOpenGL project which attempts to retain compatibility with the  
> original PyOpenGL 2.x API while providing support for many more  
> data-formats and extensions than were wrapped by the previous code-base.  
> It attempts to retain the "easy" approachable API of the original 
> PyOpenGL bindings, focusing more on ease of development (both for client 
> code and the library itself) than speed.
> Build and installation has been dramatically simplified.  It is possible  
> to work directly from a PyOpenGL bzr branch or to merely unpack the  
> package into your PYTHONPATH.  To install from source and/or participate  
> in development:
>    bzr branch lp:pyopengl
>    bzr branch lp:pyopengl-demo
> then add the pyopengl/OpenGL directory to your PYTHONPATH.  You can also  
> download the source distributions from:
>    http://pyopengl.sourceforge.net
> and use standard distutils commands to install.  PyOpenGL 3.x is already  
> supported by the PyInstaller "exe" packaging utility, and can be made to  
> work with Py2exe with inclusion statements.
> PyOpenGL may be installed using the easy_install script if desired.   
> There are no setuptools/package-resources dependencies in PyOpenGL 3.0.0  
> final.  You can install PyOpenGL on supported platforms (currently  
> Linux, Win32 and OSX) with the following if you have setuptools, PIL and  
> Numpy installed:
>    easy_install PyOpenGL
>    easy_install PyOpenGL-Demo
> You can then run the scripts in the PyOpenGL-Demo package.
> PyOpenGL 3.x introduces package-level configuration flags which allow  
> you to modify the behavior of the entire PyOpenGL package, e.g. by  
> introducing extremely verbose logging, or turning off all error-checking  
> to improve performance.  Of particular note is a flag which allows you  
> to disable APIs which have been deprecated by the ARB in OpenGL 3.0.   
> Other flags allow you to control the trade-off between ease-of-use and  
> performance during the development and release process.
> PyOpenGL 3.x provides access to the entire OpenGL 3.0 API, as well as  
> most extensions which have been entered in the OpenGL extension  
> registry.  Commonly used extensions can have "Pythonic" wrappers written  
> easily, and many of the commonly used extensions already have simplified  
> APIs provided.  It also provides wrappers for the GLUT, GLE and GLX  
> libraries.  The AGL and WGL modules are not provided with PyOpenGL 3.x,  
> as most devs are using window-manager-based GL operations.
> PyOpenGL 3.x provides a simple plug-in API that allows you to write  
> data-format or platform plugins.  These can be used to easily add  
> "native" support for your array-friendly data-formats (vector classes  
> and the like).  There is a sample data-format plug-in which wraps the  
> "Vertex Buffer Objects" extensions (in the OpenGL/arrays/vbo.py module).
> PyOpenGL 3.x's documentation has been regenerated and the build process  
> for the documentation has been updated so that it can be easily  
> regenerated to include pointers to other Open Source PyOpenGL project's  
> online code viewers.  If you would like to add your project to the list  
> of referenced projects, please contact the author with details of your  
> code viewer's url, code license and project name.
> Notes in the reference documentation indicates the deprecated entry  
> points for OpenGL 3.0.  If you have a PyOpenGL code-base you should be  
> looking at reworking the code in order to eliminate the use of "legacy"  
> APIs before OpenGL 3.1 drivers become mainstream.  At minimum you should  
> be converting away from per-vertex operations and the use of display  
> lists toward using array-based geometry.
> You should expect a performance decline with the use of PyOpenGL 3.x  
> versus PyOpenGL 2.x!  PyOpenGL 3.x will have an accelerator module  
> released in time to provide better performance, but the development  
> method (ctypes) is inherently slower than the C (SWIG) method previously  
> used.  If your code is performance critical you should likely use the  
> accelerator module when it becomes available.  Also consider using the  
> package-level configuration flags to remove "support" functionality as  
> you near release, use of these flags can provide more than 2x speedup in  
> most cases.
> The 3.0.0 final release has a few bugs fixed from the previous 3.0.0c1  
> release.  Users of the release candidate should upgrade.  PyOpenGL 3.0.0  
> is intended for use with the Python 2.x series, porting to Python 3.x is  
> not currently on the roadmap.  There will likely be a PyOpenGL 3.0.1  
> release in the near future which will introduce a few more optimizations  
> and likely will be synchronized with the first public release of the  
> accelerator modules.
> Since the release of PyOpenGL 2.x another common OpenGL binding for  
> Python has become popular and may be an appropriate choice for your  
> projects.  The Pyglet project (http://www.pyglet.org) has a full OpenGL  
> binding in "raw" C style, along with many higher-level utilities to aid  
> in the development of games, all of which can be easily installed on  
> common platforms.
> Enjoy yourselves,
> Mike
> -- 
> ________________________________________________
>  Mike C. Fletcher
>  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder
>  http://www.vrplumber.com
>  http://blog.vrplumber.com