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Re: [pygame] pgreloaded is dead - long live PySDL2

This is truly awesome news! All that's required now is either a simple wrapper so pygame code can run on PySDL2 or some simple code comparisons between PyGame and PySDL2, just showing the "old" way and the "new" way, for simple things like blitting or playing sounds.

On another note, is there anywhere I can donate to, financially? This project is easily worth it!

Time to start thinking about migrating my projects over to the new libraries.

On 29 Apr 2013 18:14, "Marcus von Appen" <mva@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear all,

as written in another thread earlier, I planned to flesh out and move
pgreloaded's pygame2 package into a more simple layout. This has been done.
The result is PySDL2 [0], a thin ctypes wrapper around the SDL2 library, which
also features some enhanced functionality from pgreloaded.

The audio part of pgreloaded was moved into py-al [1], a thin wrapper around
the OpenAL audio standard, featuring some enhanced functionality from

Everything else was moved into a set of utilities [2], since it is generic
enough to be used for different purposes, but does not require you to download
the whole pgreloaded package.

Work on pgreloaded has been stopped - it grew too fast in too many directions,
which lead to a maintenance hell for a single person. The two (or three)
projects can live on their own and releases are decoupled from each other, so
that I expect the maintenance to be bearable.

All code is under the Public Domain, enjoy!

[0] https://bitbucket.org/marcusva/py-sdl2/

[1] https://bitbucket.org/marcusva/py-al

[2] https://bitbucket.org/marcusva/python-utils
