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Re: [pygame] Pygame for SDL 2, and how it may look.

The renderer should have its own class, and for simplicity, I think it should be instanced by calling a method on the window that contains it.  Just preference.

Renderer does not below with the draw module, because it is not for drawing lines, and primitives on software surface.  It is a cross-platform and simple API for high-speed accelerated graphics with textures and includes some facilities for drawing primitives.

What about something like this?

import pygame as pg

window = pg.display.new_window()        # new Window class method
screen = pg.display.set_mode(...)       # creates a new window, return surface

renderer = window.create_renderer()     # renderer, yay!
renderer = pg.renderer.Renderer(window) # alternative. "window" optional

surf = pg.image.load(filename)
texture = renderer.create_texture(surface=surf)       # clean syntax?
texture = pg.texture.from_surface(surface, renderer)  # alternative, "renderer" optional

while running:

   renderer.clear()                        # you should do this each frame

   for tex, rect in textures:
      renderer.render_copy(tex, rect)      # this is analogous to "blit", but is HW accel'd

   renderer.present()                      # like display.flip()

# texture sprites

sprite = pg.sprite.TextureSprite()
sprite.texture = tex
sprite.rect = text.get_rect()
sprite.origin = 0, 0      # where the origin of texture is
sprite.rotation = 76      # rotation of the sprite

group = renderer.create_group(all_the_sprites, flags=0xDEADBEEF)  # clean?
group = pg.sprite.TextureSpriteGroup(renderer)                    # alternative

# sample of a SpriteGroup
# Group.add

if hasattr(sprite, 'texture'):
   raise ICannotDoThatDaveError   # legacy group will not render a texture sprite

# TextureSpriteGroup.draw
for sprite in self._hw_sprites:

The group module should become simplified.  Choose a group type that works well for software sprites, and develop a new one for Renderers.  Add some checks to legacy groups to prevent Sprites with textures from being added.


# pygame.display will be an alias for a Window

window = pygame.display.get_window(0)   # return instance of created window

>>> window is pygame.display

# Consider the following

  • When a renderer is created for a window, the window will raise an exception if a blit or draw is attempted on it.
  • All windows are py1 until a renderer is created on it.
  • Once renderer is created, leave window in renderer mode. (or not?)
  • Blits between software surfaces will always work, regardless of the window mode.
screen = pg.display.set_mode(...)  # automatic py1 window
screen.blit(legacy_cruft)          # works!

renderer = pg.display.create_renderer()  # works b/c display is alias to first window
renderer = pg.renderer.Renderer()        # implicit 1st window as target of renderer

screen.blit(oops)                      # raise ThouShaltNotBlitError
pg.draw.lines(screen, ...)             # raise ThouShaltNotDrawUponThyScreenError


There is no way forward to give old pygame apps free performance.  New pygame apps will need to choose to use the accelerated graphics API, or not.