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Re: [pygame] mouse scroll wheel

the scrollwheel is usually considered buttons 4 and 5 of the mouse.

however, the other buttons have a "down" and an "up" event.  maybe the
wheel up/down is only one or the other, or maybe both at once?

so maybe you should be checking for MOUSEBUTTONUP instead of

if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN (or UP)
   print event.button, " -- expecting 4 or 5 here"

On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 11:11, David Mallwitz wrote:
> Is it possible to read up/down scrolling on a mouse wheel with Pygame?
> I've tried the following:
> if event.type == pyame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
>     print pygame.mouse.get_pressed
> and when the scroll wheel is moved up/down an event is generated and 
> this is printed:
> (0, 0, 0)
> So pygame is seeing the event, but can't return to me any useful info. 
> Or am I trying to read this using the wrong function?
> Thanks,
> Dave
| Shandy Brown                               Digital Thinkery |
| shandy@geeky.net             http://www.digitalthinkery.com |