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Re: [pygame] My solid tile detection doesn't work

Thanks to Scott and his question on rects, and Brian's tip on internal
documentation - thanks guys - my little dude can run around and bump
into bushes and things quite well.

Yet there remains one problem... When he's positioned in between
tiles, he can walk up or down onto part of a solid tile, because I
used his rect.centerx, i.e. directly between his feet, as the point to
check for collisions. I want to check everywhere under his little
feet. Do I have to check twice, on his left and his right, or is there
a simpler way to do the collision checking.

Oh, and I don't have this problem going left and right because I set
his feet (rect.bottom) as the point for collision checking, so it just
looks like he has height, which he should.

On 7/23/06, Adeola Bannis <thecodemaiden@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Yes, playerpos and tilepos are supposed to be the same domain. I
realised that the camera coordinates were not taken into
consideration. When I did take them into consideration, it only
reported the right tile when I moved horizontally. Vertical motion is
still all wonky. I relabelled the player coordinates so I could
walkthrough my algorithm more clearly. I'm still at a loss as to what
I'm doing wrong...

On 7/22/06, Brian Fisher <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I assume that the problem you have is that the player draws over
> different tiles than the attached code is saying the player is moving
> over?
> If that's the case the code you sent could be perfectly correct, or it
> could be wrong, it really depends on how the coordinates in these
> routines are interpreted by other parts of the system, like when you
> blit... what I'm thinking of is that it's impossible to tell from this
> code alone whether the player_x and player_y values you pull from
> player_pos are supposed to be in the same domain as the computed
> "truex" and "truey" for a tile - meaning are they both supposed to be
> used in the exact same way & are they supposed to be comparable (i.e.
> do you blit tiles at truex,truey and players at playerx,playery?)
> My general tip for doing stuff with coordinates is to always think of
> different coordinates as being parts of different named coordinate
> systems or domains, and always name variables with a suffix that makes
> the coordinate system explicit. Like if coordinates can be blit to the
> screen, they could be "player_screen_x", if they are supposed to be
> map grid locations it might be "player_map_grid_x" if it's supposed to
> be a pixel offset in the map it might be "player_map_pixel_x". It may
> seem like a lot of typing at first, but it really makes you think
> about coordinates more, and in the end you are typing lines that read
> like English sentences, so it's easier for you to know if the line is
> doing the right thing at a glance, and it's really easy for other
> people to look at your code.
> So one thing I notice is that your mapping from a "tilepos" to a
> "true" position for all your tiles depends on the values of starty and
> startx and xoff and yoff, while the mapping from "playerpos" to a
> "tilepos" doesn't use startx and starty or xoff and yoff at all - so
> if both "true" coordinates and "player" coordinates are in the same
> domain (like if you pass them directly to pygame to blit) then your
> mappings aren't symmetric when any of startx, starty, xoff and yoff
> are non-zero.
> And if playerpos and tilepos are not supposed to be the same domain
> (i.e. there is some other mapping of playerpos and "truex, truey"
> before they get blit), then there may be problems with that other
> coordinate mapping code in addition to any problems that might exist
> in this code.
> On 7/22/06, Adeola Bannis <thecodemaiden@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > In my little RPG engine-like thing that no one tested, *wink wink*, I
> > tried implementing solid tiles. My algorithm doesn't work, and I don't
> > know why.
> >
> > This is the code I use to place tiles onscreen, only the important
> > half of the function:
> > ---code---
> > for y in range(starty, endy):
> >         for x in range(startx, endx):
> >                 tilepos = y*(self.mapw) + x; #The position in our array of tiles
> >                 showx = x - startx; showy = y - starty  #Adjust the position of map
> > by blitting it to the top
> >                 truex = (showx*tilesize-xoff); truey = (showy*tilesize-yoff)
> >                 #print endy
> >                 tilenum = self.tiles[tilepos]
> >                 self.put_tile(tilenum,(truex,truey), screen)
> > ---code---
> >
> > and this is the code I used to look for a solid tile:
> >
> > ---code---
> > player_x, player_y = player_pos
> >                 p_tilex = player_x//tilesize; p_tiley = player_y//tilesize
> >                 n_tilex = n_tiley = 0
> >
> >                 if direction == 'left':
> >                         n_tilex = (player_x - speed)// tilesize
> >                 if direction == 'right':
> >                         n_tilex = (player_x + speed)//tilesize
> >                 if direction == 'up':
> >                         n_tiley = (player_y - speed)//tilesize
> >                 if direction == 'down':
> >                         n_tiley = (player_y + speed)//tilesize
> >
> >                 if (n_tiley == p_tiley) and (n_tilex == p_tilex):
> >                         return False
> >
> >                 if (p_tilex != n_tilex): # we are moving to a new tile horizontally
> >                         n_tilepos = p_tiley*self.mapw + n_tilex # the position in our array of tiles
> >
> >                 if (p_tiley != n_tiley): #we are moving to a new tile vertically
> >                         n_tilepos = n_tiley*self.mapw + p_tilex # the position in our array of tiles
> >
> >                 tilenum = self.tiles[n_tilepos]; print tilenum
> >                 return (tilenum in self.solid)
> > ---code---
> >
> > I didn't want to put all that in... what I basically wanted to point
> > out was that I was getting the  tile number the exact same way I did
> > when I was drawing the map. Yet I usually get a completely different
> > tile to the one the player is walking into. Can anybody help me out
> > here?
> >
> > Adeola
> >