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[pygame] Re:

For continuous movement, it's generally better to ignore key events
and just check to see which keys are down (via pygame.key.get_pressed)
once every tick.

On 8/24/08, yanom @linuxmail.org <yanom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have a problem with my pygame project:
> i used pygame.key.set_repeat(2,2) to make it so that continually holding
> down the left or right arrow keys moves a character. i have a problem
> though:
> whenever i press a key other than left or right, even if i am still holding
> an arrow key, my character stops moving. here is my code:
> import pygame, os, sys
> from pygame.locals import *
> pygame.init()
> clock = pygame.time.Clock()#start the clock
> screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 680), 0, 32)#create the screen,
> conveniently called screen
> enemy = pygame.image.load("enemy.sub.png").convert_alpha()#load sub images
> player = pygame.image.load("player.sub.png").convert_alpha()
> enemyrect = enemy.get_rect() #create rects
> playerrect = player.get_rect()
> playerrect = playerrect.move(500,500)#move the player sub to the bottom of
> the screen
> bullet = pygame.image.load("bullet.png").convert_alpha()#load the bullet
> image
> bulletrect = bullet.get_rect()#create bullet rect
> #bulletrect = bulletrect.move(0,780)#move it to the bottom
> speed = [2,0] #top speed of the enemysub
> pygame.key.set_repeat(2,2) #enable key repeat
> while 1:#main game loop
> 	clock.tick(60)#60 fps max
> 	enemyrect=enemyrect.move(speed)     #bounce  |
> 	if enemyrect.right > 640: speed = [-2, 0]#   |
> 	if enemyrect.left <0: speed = [2, 0]#        |
> 	if bulletrect.top > 600:
> 		bulletrect.left = enemyrect.left
> 		bulletrect.top = enemyrect.top
> 	else:
> 		bulletrect=bulletrect.move(0,7)
> 	for event in pygame.event.get(): #event query    |
> 		if event.type == QUIT:#                      |
> 			exit()#                                  |
> 		if event.type == KEYDOWN:#                   |
> 			if event.key == K_RIGHT:#                |
> 				playerrect = playerrect.move(2,0)#   |
> 			if event.key == K_LEFT:#                 |
> 				playerrect = playerrect.move(-2,0)#  |
> 	screen.fill((0,255,255)) #fill screen
> 	screen.blit(enemy, enemyrect)#blit enemy
> 	screen.blit(player, playerrect)#blit player
> 	screen.blit(bullet,bulletrect)#blit bullet
> 	pygame.display.update() #update screen
> how do i solve this problem?
> =
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