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Re: [pygame] OPENGLBLIT

Richard Jones wrote:

> How does OPENGLBLIT work? I'm trying to use it to put up some information on 
> my opengl window, but nothing appears...
>         self.viewport = (640, 480)
>         if '-fs' in args:
>         else:
>             flags = OPENGLBLIT|DOUBLEBUF
>         self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.viewport, flags)
>         self.font = pygame.font.Font('data/MODENINE.TTF', 20)
>         surf = self.font.render("Hello", 1, (255, 255, 255))
>         self.screen.blit(surf, (200,200))
>         pygame.display.flip()

last month there was quite a stir on the SDL mailing lists. basically 
the end result is to never use sdl's OPENGLBLIT displays. (unless you 
really need to). heh :]

to be honest, i've never really tested it out much, but i know it has 
been working for the pyui project. the code you have here 'looks' 
correct to me. try using "0" for the font smoothing algorithm? perhaps 
blitting to OPENGLBLIT does not support alphas?

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