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[pygame] pgu file widget

Can any one make this work? I am very new to all this and a bit lost
at this point. Note that it is example gui12.py but with the second
half in a def.

Problem is that input_file can not be seen in def

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '..')

import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from pgu import gui

def open_file_browser(arg):
    d = gui.FileDialog()
    d.connect(gui.CHANGE, handle_file_browser_closed, d)

def handle_file_browser_closed(dlg):
    if dlg.value: input_file.value = dlg.value

def mainapp():
	app = gui.Desktop()

	main = gui.Container(width=500, height=400) #, background=(220, 220, 220) )

	main.add(gui.Label("File Dialog Example", cls="h1"), 20, 20)

	td_style = {'padding_right': 10}
	t = gui.Table()
	t.td( gui.Label('File Name:') , style=td_style )
	input_file = gui.Input()
	t.td( input_file, style=td_style )
	b = gui.Button("Browse...")
	t.td( b, style=td_style )
	b.connect(gui.CLICK, open_file_browser, None)

	main.add(t, 20, 100)

if __name__ == '__main__': mainapp()