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[pygame] [report] modules Pygame imports


Some Pygame 1.9 import information for those who are curious. Please feel free to ignore. I ran a module usage tool (experimental) on Pygame to see what is imported. These results are for "import pygame" on Windows with numpy installed.

== modules imported but no attributes accessed ==

pygame package: _numpysndarray, _numpysurfarray, bufferproxy, cdrom, colordict, cursors, display, draw, fastevent, font, image, imageext, joystick, key, mixer, mixer_music, mouse, movie, rwobject, scrap, sndarray, sprite, surfarray, surflock, transform

numpy package: add_newdocs, core._internal, core._sort, core.scalarmath, ctypeslib, lib.format, lib.scimath, linalg.lapack_lite, testing.decorators

other modules:   imp, math, string

== modules imported and accessed ==

pygame package: base, color, constants, event, overlay, pixelarray, rect, surface, time, version

numpy package: __config__, _import_tools, core, core.arrayprint, core.defchararray, core.defmatrix, core.fromnumeric, core.info, core.memmap, core.multiarray, core.numeric, core.numerictypes, core.records, core.umath, fft, fft.fftpack, fft.fftpack_lite, fft.helper, fft.info, lib, lib._compiled_base, lib._datasource, lib.arraysetops, lib.arrayterator, lib.financial, lib.function_base, lib.getlimits, lib.index_tricks, lib.info, lib.io, lib.machar, lib.polynomial, lib.shape_base, lib.stride_tricks, lib.twodim_base, lib.type_check, lib.ufunclike, lib.utils, linalg, linalg.info, linalg.linalg, ma, ma.core, ma.extras, random, random.info, random.mtrand, testing, testing.nosetester, testing.numpytest, testing.parametric, testing.utils, version

other modules: __future__, _sre, cPickle, cStringIO, itertools, re, shutil, sre, sre_compile, sre_constants, sre_parse, strop, unittest

There are limitations in the report. In determining module accesses behind-the-scenes extension modules accesses may be missed. Also side effects are not considered. Also usage information is not very useful unless compiled for an actual application. But it is still a sizable list.

I can make the reporting tool available if anyone wants to try it on their game.

Lenard Lindstrom