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Re: [pygame] spammity spam on /wiki/patchesandbugs


I'm moving wiki pages to the bitbucket wiki, and am migrating wiki pages over to start with.

The new wiki takes creole markup, and I've asked the bitbucket people if they will support more formats... but they said they have no plans to... so the html that we have needs to be moved into creole.

Here's the patches and bugs page on the bitbucket wiki...

Below is the little script I made to help with the conversion.

I need to go through all the pages and make sure they are spam free, and then do the conversion.  However, then I need to check each page to make sure it converts ok and has no spam.

The final step is to redo the website pages so that it pulls the data from the bitbucket hg wiki, and then renders the page.  Also the edit buttons will go to the bit bucket page.

# pip install python-creole
# pip install BeautifulSoup

from creole import html2creole
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import urllib

pages = ["patchesandbugs"]
for page in pages:
    url = "" href="http://www.pygame.org/wiki/%s?action="">http://www.pygame.org/wiki/%s?action="">" % page
    html = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
    creole_version = html2creole(unicode(BeautifulSoup(html)))
    f = open("%s.wiki" % page, "w")