Hey Lee,
That was actually alot more helpful than what I have been able to find over my past days of searching! Thank you very much. I may actually be able to move forward with my ambitious school project now ![]() Now all I have to figure out is how to find what angle that the Thumbstick
is pointing so that I can rotate my player sprite according to which way that
the player is moving. I talked to my math teacher about it, and she agreed that
I should try using the Inverse of Sin to find the angle. Hopefully that works,
because if it doesn’t; I'll be back at square one again.
... But if anyone has had any experience with getting the angle for a
rotation based off of a Joystick Thumbstick, or Mouse Position, it would be
awesome if you could share how you found it out so I could use it as a
From: Lee Buckingham
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2011 12:53 AM
Subject: Re: [pygame] [Pygame] Joystick Inputs Hi
Andrew, For buttons I use this: if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == "whatever...": etc.... if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP: and so on... For analog control and d-pads you have to check for axis position each time through the game loop. I do it all at once before the player objects update themselves Like this: horizontal_axis = self.joysticks[player_number].get_axis(0) vertical_axis = self.joysticks[player_number].get_axis(1) Then change the x and y speed for the player with "player_number" to whatever the axis positions are (times a constant, if necessary). Of course, the player_number has to correspond to the joystick collection indices pretty well for this to work. You can eliminate that part of it by replacing "player_number" with "0" and just make sure to check that the joystick count is >0 before you call .get_axis Hope this helps a little! -Lee- On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 5:51 PM, Andrew Godfroy <killerrin@xxxxxxxxxxx>