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Re: [pygame] Overwrite color not alpha?

Brian Fisher wrote:
SDL has some possibly non-intuitive rules about how to do the blit
ased on whether the SDL_SRCALPHA flag is set on the source and whether
the source and dest are RGB or RGBA. I don't know if you can find that
info in the pygame docs or not (anybody know?) but it is in the SDL
documentation for SDL_SetAlpha

here's a random version of that doc page

Oh what a relief! Thanks for that page. I knew there were differences in blitting alpha, I've tripped over them many times in the past, but I never knew what the rules were.

BTW, I finally gagged down Pete Shinner's surfarray and Numeric tutorial. It's time. :-D This line ended up letting me modify the color of an RGBA surface, while preserving the alpha channel:

    pygame.surfarray.pixels3d(pic)[:, :, :3] = (255,0,0)

where 'pic' is the pygame surface, and (255,0,0) is the color red.