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Re: [pygame] BUG: required modules not raising error when failing to import was Re: [pygame] Surfarray.array_alpha() bugfix, py2exe/py2app segfault


SVN rev. 1904 adds a bufferproxy import to __init__.py. Hopefully py2app/py2exe will pick up on it. Though the import is conditional on surface and mixer modules being available, I would rather not see module dependencies reflected in __init__.py. Preferably the import errors would happen in the extension modules that rely on bufferproxy. I am considering ways to combine the import check with api imports so that it is relatively simple to do and can be implemented consistently across all Pygame extension modules. Then __init__.py can be refactored so that it only has to show a token import statement for modules it doesn't actually use directly, as it does with pygame.macosx and numpy. Once all this is worked out it would make for a new wiki topic: "How to Add an Extension Module to Pygame".


Lenard Lindstrom wrote:

Yes, errors should be raised for missing modules. It would also keep Pygame's setup file honest. A bufferproxy import also needs to be added to __init__.py, which I will do now.


René Dudfield wrote:


I too prefer making it a requirement... and raising import error if it
is not there.


On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Lenard Lindstrom <len-l@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Zack Schilling has the distinction of being the first Pygame developer to use py2app/py2exe to wrap a game using NumPy. Before that no one noticed
bufferproxy was missing.

So where to generate the import errors. bufferproxy is not critical to
surface unless some other module needs a surface buffer. Either
Surface.get_buffer can check for NULL pointers and raise an
NotImplementedError if bufferproxy is missing or bufferproxy is made a
requirement for surface to import properly. The former option could save a little space if array packages are not used, but is potentially confusing.
Since buffers may be used elsewhere I prefer the later option myself.


René Dudfield wrote:
ah yes, good one.

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 2:07 PM, Lenard Lindstrom <len-l@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Simple. The bufferproxy module is not included in the executables.

The moral of the story, when critical modules are missing, they should
be quietly ignored. An exception has to be raised. Brian Fisher did this
with _numericsurfarray when Numeric is missing.