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Re: [pygame] frame independant movement

On 03.02.2010 11:25, inigo delgado wrote:
"Another thing you can do is just use Clock to limit the FPS to 60 or something, but then your game will run slower if you're not getting 60 fps."

Well, true, but you MUST determine the framerate that you want for your game, otherway you will get a 60 FPS in your PC, 70 in another and 120 in another one that is much more faster/newer than yours and in witch your game will turn unusable at this framerate....

I do this:

while(true): #principal loop
    # get current time
    t = time.time()
    #At the end i get the time needed to do the calculatons & flip
    T = t - time.time()
    delta = T - 1/desiredFrameRate
    if (delta > 0): # if the cycle has been done too fast
####This way you have your desired framerate or the maximum possible. Additionally you can do this:
        GLOBAL_T = GLOBAL_STANDAR_T - delta # delta is <= 0, - and - is +

Being GLOBAL_T the t that you use for your position calculations and global_standar_t the value of global_t if delta is 0.


You will get different framerates only if you don't limit the fps. Using http://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/time.html#Clock.tick you will have always the specified framerate except if the cpu can not keep up (then it will run slower), but on faster machines tick will wait, similar to what you do (tick might be more accurate).