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Re: [pygame] Re: removing 'experimental' notice from pygame.math

​(Skims discussion)

For e.g. `abs(Vector2(2,-1).elementwise())`, my (C++) library instead handles this as `abs(Vec2(2,-1))`, returning another `Vec2`. In C++, if you weren't expecting that, you get a compile error on whatever happens next, whereas in Python you'll get a `TypeError`, so it's well-defined.

If you want the vector's length, I use a function, but perhaps it's more pythonic to use a method: `Vec2(2,-1).getLength()`, or `Vec2(2,-1).getLengthSq()`.

If your vector represents a complex number and you're wondering why `abs(...)` shouldn't return a complex modulus, then I ask why you aren't using the built-in `complex`, which is designed for this.
