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Re: [pygame] shapes other than rects?

> Maybe you could use a few smaller rects to
> approximate the shape you have?
> Instead of having one big rect that contains the
> whole weird shape, have a
> few smaller ones that contain it too. So, for a
> shape like this:
>     ***
>     ***
>     *********
>     *********
> you would *not* have a rect like this:
>    +--------+
>    |        |
>    |        |
>    +--------+
> but intstead a large one as normal that contains the
> blittable shape,
> but two smaller ones for the collision detection:
>    +-+
>    | | 
>    +-+------+
>    +--------+
> This would make the collision detection a two-step
> process, but as you
> still use rects it should be quite fast. This has
> not been tested
> though...

I know a few people who use this technique with
Director/Shockwave games, and even pixel-accurate
collision using lists in text members (!) since
director sprite collisions only happen after the
sprites have already overlapped onscreen and are
therefore pretty useless. 

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