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Re: [pygame] Fade in/out transition effect

> psymaster@caths.co.uk wrote:
>> I did this and it works pretty well now, and it isn't that slow. My only
>> problems right now is not from pygame but from PIL, which raises
>> exceptions sometimes when it doesn't like the image it is loading, for
>> ridiculous reasons like 3 bytes missing. Anybody can recommend other
>> libraries that will let me do high-quality resizing?
> Pygame can do filtered "proportional" scaling with the
> pygame.transform.rotozoom() function. This does good quality resizing, but
> doesn't let you alter the aspect ratio (aka the proportions). If you are
> already using PIL you can load with pygame and send to PIL with the
> pygame.image.tostring() function.
I will try rotozoom and see what happens. PIL has problems with loading
pictures, maybe it's my collection but I don't see why it has to be so