You can use this input for your check. Inside the
while statement place a keydown check and it should work. This is what I use for
my game at the moment for single key strokes. I will send the while check in my
second email to the list.
Enjoy programming.
def key_Input(msg): "ENTER A KEY OR FUNCTION KEY, (ALT, CTRL, SHIFT...KEY)" # clear the keyboard buffer ch=""; ch1=""; sch="" while msvcrt.kbhit(): ch = msvcrt.getch() # PlaySound ("Federation_Scan.ogg", 2, -1) #PLAY ANY SOUND HERE! # print "| " # print "Hit Return Or Escape To Quit or Move Using Cursor Keys:" print msg, while ch != chr(27) and ch != chr(13) and ch1 != chr(0) and ch1 != chr(224): ch1 = msvcrt.getch() ch = ch1 if ch1 == chr(0) or ch1 == chr(224): ch = msvcrt.getch() sch = ch1+ch print; print "ch=%d ch1=%d" % (ord(ch), ord(ch1)) else: ch = ch.upper() if ch in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ": msvcrt.putch(ch) sch+=ch elif ch == chr(8) and len(sch)>0: msvcrt.putch(ch) sch = sch[:len(sch)-1] if ch == chr(27): i=len(sch) while i>0: i-=1 msvcrt.putch(chr(8)) sch="XXX" print sch return (sch) def key2Com( kbs): "CONVERT THE 0 AND 224 KEY CODES TO COMMANDS!" if len(kbs) < 2: return(kbs) if kbs[0] == chr(0): if kbs[1] == "O": kbs = "CMRS" elif kbs[1] == "Q": kbs = "CLRS" if kbs[0] == chr(224) and kbs[1] in MK224: kbs = MK224[ kbs[1]] return (kbs) ----- Original Message -----
From: Miguel Sicart
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 5:06 AM
Subject: [pygame] timing question I'm writing a little text-based game and I have stumbled upon a strange
newbie problem.
In this game, the player has to input a number of commands in order to
interact with the game. I am using raw_input to get input from the player.
My problem is that I want to make it turn based, and I want to limit the
amount of time players have per turn. And I don't know how to do that. I have
tried to create an event and push it to the event list, but it doesn't act until
the player provides input, so it is not working.
So the idea is:
player provides specific input (raw_input)
game objects are affected by input
+1 turn
if turns = x:
game over
I am quite sure this is a simple problem, but I have been going around it
for a couple of days with no success - help! :)