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Re: [pygame] fast sqrt? and profiling

On Jan 21, 2009, at 7:28 PM, Jake b wrote:

Thanks everyone for all the replies.
Lots of useful information.

On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Casey Duncan <casey@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Others have made good suggestions about reducing the amount of work you do detecting collision (i.e., partitioning) and using complex numbers instead of euclid for 2d vectors. The latter made a big performance difference for me in a vector-heavy game I was working on.

1) How do you use complex(imaginary) numbers in place of euclid vectors? I tried searching for a tut/article, but, not having luck.

Here's some example code with some commonly used functions. Addition and subtraction are built into the complex type and work as expected (I use the real part for x and the imaginary part for y). complex multiply can be used to rotate vectors:

# 2D vectors using python complex numbers

from math import atan2
import cmath

vector2 = complex

length = abs

def to_tuple(vector):
	return (vector.real, vector.imag)

def to_tuple3(vector, z=0):
	return (vector.real, vector.imag, z)

def radians(vector):
	return atan2(vector.imag, vector.real)

def unit(radians):
	return cmath.exp(radians * 1j)

def normal(vector):
	L = length(vector)
	if L == 0:
		return vector2()
		return vector / L

def clamp(vector, max_length):
	L = length(vector)
	if L > max_length:
		return vector * (max_length / L)
		return vector

def distance(vector1, vector2):
	return length(vector1 - vector2)

I thought my function was bad -- but your solution will be easy to use. I'm using a factory, ie "spawn('type', 'loc | rand', *args)" to spawn units. So I can append to the subgroups here. ( I am not subclassing Sprite, but I do have a .dead member, that auto-deletes when iterated. )

Sounds good.

2) Iterating on copy-of-list speed? Is there a reason to not do this?

Right now, if I'm iterating on a list which might be modified ( deleted, not sure if additions break it too. ), I'm in the habit of iterating on a copy of the list. ( because, at least in some cases, it breaks if not a copy )

def update(self):
for a in self.actor_list[:]: # iterate on copy, incase I delete any later
        if a.dead or offscreen( a.loc ):
            self.actor_list.remove( a )

This is good if the list may change during iteration. If you do this repeatedly in a given frame, it might be better to create a custom class (perhaps subclass set) that contains a stable set of the actors. When you add or remove, these are stored in ancillary sets rather than changing the stable set immediately. An update method called at the beginning of each frame adds and removes the items from the ancillary sets to update the stable set. These ancillary sets are then cleared. This mean less memory allocation/cleanup and work copying the lists:

class StableSet(set):
	"""Stable set that does not reflect changes until update() is called,
	thus can be safely mutated while iterated
	def __init__(self):
		self.added = set()
		self.removed = set()
	def add(self, item):
		if item not in self:
	def remove(self, item):
		if item in self:
	def update(self):
		self -= self.removed
		self |= self.added
