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[pygame] mini sprint - towards pygame 1.8. mingw, bitmask, scale, sprites.


another pygame hacking session is on in about 12 hours from this email.


Here you can see the time in your timezone at this link:

There are a few main things I would like to get finished before we
freeze the tree and start to release 1.8.

- get pygame compiling on mingw with full instructions so other people
can do it.
- get a from_surface function into the bitmask module, and make
complete unittests for all functions.
- get the new scaling code in. (need to convert 1.7.1 based patch to
subversion 1.8 pygame)
- finish surfarray_array module changes.  surfarray using stdlib array.array
- integrate all of the doc comments into the main comments.
- make sure new modules are documented well.  ie, scrap, and mask modules.
- macosx scrap module fixes for new scrap API.

Plus there is a new version of SDL out, so it will be nice to look
through that and expose any interesting new functionality.  There's
mostly a bunch of new bug fixes for all the platforms with the new

If anyone wants to join in to tackle any of the above stuff please
email, and let us know.  Or just come into irc on the day and have a

Hope to see you there.
