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Re: [pygame] arraydemo.py broken

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 1:37 PM, Marcus von Appen <mva@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On, Mon Jul 14, 2008, Knapp wrote:

> Hello all!
> I have been trying to get arraydemo and numeric to work.
> I changed for example scaleup by adding the N.Int32s to it. It then works
> but I can't get soffen to work at all and have the same problems in my own
> program. It seems that any operation to the array changes it's type and then
> it will not work with things like array_blit.

I can't recall that behaviour. Both, numeric and numpy work fine for me
with the most recent SVN version. There are some minor bugs in 1.8.0,
though they should not affect the array demo.

Which version of Pygame, Numeric and Python are you using?


pygame 1.8.0 off the web page compiled on my amd x2 64 bit 8.04 kubuntu system. All dependencies where met.
python-numeric 24.2-8ubuntu2
python 2.5.2-0ubuntu1

Everything else lib wise are the standards that are in 8.04 nothing added.



PS all other demo's work including ones with numeric.

