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[pygame] Re: Another sprite issue.
Er, there is an error in the code I pasted there. It says wallGfx2,
but that's not why this is happening, thats just something left over.
It doesn't work even when it's the proper variable.
On Jul 28, 5:36 pm, percivalkel...@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> I want to display sprites with the same graphic across several areas
> of my game. So I load the image into one variable, and then create all
> my sprites from that same image.
> All the sprites appear properly, but collision detection only works on
> the last sprite drawn using the variable with the image. Why is this?
> Do I have to reload the image everytime?
> This is my code to load the image:
> def load_image(name, transparent=0, colorkey=None): #from the line-by-
> line chimp tutorial
> fullname = os.path.join('img', name)
> try:
> if transparent == 0:
> image = pygame.image.load(fullname).convert()
> else:
> image = pygame.image.load(fullname).convert_alpha()
> except pygame.error, message:
> print 'Cannot load image:', name
> raise SystemExit, message
> if colorkey is not None:
> if colorkey is -1:
> colorkey = image.get_at((0,0))
> image.set_colorkey(colorkey, RLEACCEL)
> return image, image.get_rect()
> To setup the sprite:
> class Units(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
> def __init__(self, img, loc1 = 250, loc2 = 250):
> pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) #start up sprites
> #locs
> self.loc1 = loc1
> self.loc2 = loc2
> #create sprite
> self.image, self.rect = img
> self.rect.center = [self.loc1, self.loc2]
> and actually making the sprites:
> wallGfx = load_image('wall.png', 1)
> self.wall1 = Units(wallGfx2, 400, 325)
> self.screen.blit(self.wall1.image, self.wall1.rect)
> self.wall2 = Units(wallGfx, 400, 400)
> self.screen.blit(self.wall2.image, self.wall2.rect)
> self.egroup = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates(self.wall1, self.wall2)
> pygame.display.update()
> Now, doing this, only the sprite at 400,400 (self.wall2) will have
> proper collision detection. They're both displayed, but only the last
> one added to the group has it. If I remove self.wall2, self.wall1 will
> detect it properly.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance.