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Re: [pygame] strange compile error with cocoa


you should be able to put a pointer in the structure in the .h file.  Then in your .m file define another structure with all your objc/cocoa specific parts.

Then you might need to typedef yourstuff to void *.  Then just cast to and from the void * to your mac specific structure.  That way the C code doesn't need to know about the objc structures.

eg. in the camera.h

typedef struct {
    char* device_name;              // unieke name of the device
    long size;                      // size of the image in our buffer to draw

    void * apple_junk;

    SDL_Surface* surf;
    unsigned char *pbuffer;
    unsigned char *buffer;
} PyCameraObject;

Then have your struct defined in your camera_mac.m something like this:

typedef struct {
    TimeScale timeScale;
    TimeValue lastTime;
    NSTimeInterval startTime;
    NSTimer *frameTimer;
    SeqGrabComponent component;     // A type used by the Sequence Grabber API
    SGChannel channel;              // Channel of the Sequence Grabber
    GWorldPtr gWorld;               // Pointer to the struct that holds the data of the captured image
    Rect boundsRect;                // bounds of the image frame
    ImageSequence decompressionSequence;

} AppleJunk;

Then you'll need to allocate some room for that, and also dealloc it.  Probably with some functions defined in your .m too that get called from the camera_dealloc, and Camera (...) functions in the _camera.c.

AppleJunk myapplejunk = (AppleJunk)(cameraobj->apple_junk);
cameraobj.apple_junk = (void *) malloc(sizeof(AppleJunk));


Hope that helps.
