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Re: [pygame] Problems with getting keyboard input.

On Tue, 25 Jun 2002, John Popplewell wrote:

> dont use 'is' when you mean '==' :-)
> So this :
>     # Check for up arrow, exit loop if found.
>     elif event.type is KEYDOWN and event.key is K_UP:
>         print "got up!"
>         Done = 1
> could be :
>     # Check for up arrow, exit loop if found.
>     elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_UP:
>         print "got up!"
>         Done = 1

On the other hand, the Chimp tutorial itself uses 'is' in a lot of its
comparisons.  For example, its main loop does:

    if event.type is QUIT:
    elif event.type is KEYDOWN and event.key is K_ESCAPE:

There's not a single '==' mentioned in the Chimp tutorial.  I know 'is' is
done for efficiency's sake, when testing for identity is equivalent to
equality... yikes, that sentence came out awkwardly.  *grin*

But for the Pygame tutorial, perhaps it might be better to use '=='

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