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Re: [pygame] Starting Window Position

import win32gui
import win32con
aren't modules, according to the computer.  Are you on python 2.5?

On 6/28/07, Will McGugan < will@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Ian Mallett wrote:

> That seems to work sometimes- the first time.  Subsequent attempts to
> change the window position fail.

I don't think it was really intended as a way of setting the window
position dynamically. If you are running on Windows you could do it in a
completely non-portable manner, thusly...

    hwnd = pygame.display.get_wm_info()["window"]
    import win32gui
    import win32con
    x, y = (200, 200)
    win32gui.SetWindowPos(hwnd, 0, x, y, 0, 0, win32con.SWP_NOSIZE |
win32con.SWP_NOZORDER )
