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Re: [pygame] Creating surfaces

On 2010.6.14 7:44 PM, éæå wrote:
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "C:\Users\Jaychant\Documents\Games\senso.py", line 111, in <module>
     game = Game((640,480), (0,0,0), (0,200,0))
   File "C:\Users\Jaychant\Documents\Games\senso.py", line 54, in __init__
     self.p1 = Player(0,0,(100,100),lncolor,0,(8,64),(16,8))
   File "C:\Users\Jaychant\Documents\Games\senso.py", line 93, in __init__
     self.sprite =
ValueError: size needs to be (int width, int height)

Here is what the important variables end up being:
size: (8,64)
gunsize: (16,8)

What I gather from this is that I'm not specifying an integer where I
should be. But I've checked the arguments; The first becomes 8+16=24,
while the second becomes 64.

Can anyone see what's wrong? Am I misinterpreting the error?

I think the key is that the size must be given as _one_ variable which is a two-part tuple. So, change the line:
pygame.Surface( (size[0]+gunsize[0],max(size[1],gunsize[1])) ).convert()

Hope this helps.
