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Re: [pygame] install problem

Thank you!

On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 1:17 PM, Kevin MacPherson <kevin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Just download the msi from the bitbucket site. You don't need to rebuild it unless you wanted to.


On 14/06/13 01:14 PM, David wrote:
Ok thanks. Almost there.

- prebuilt-pygame1.9.2pre-msvcr100-win32.zip (1,903,169 bytes) ***

The external libraries required to build Pygame for Pythons 2.6 and up.
Just unzip the prebuilt directory into the root Pygame working directory
and run python config.py. Answer Y to use prebuilt.

1) Instructions aren not clear or accurate: what is the 'root Pygame working directory? Do they mean the Python folder?

2) There is no config.py file. There is an Include folder, Lib folder, and Setup_Win.in file that doesn't do anything. Right clicking there is no 'install' option, its not a python file.  Its a text file that looks like this:

# Pygame 1.9.2 Windows dependency macros.
SDL = -Iprebuilt/include -Iprebuilt/include/SDL -Lprebuilt/lib -lSDL
FONT = -lSDL_ttf
IMAGE = -lSDL_image
MIXER = -lSDL_mixer
SMPEG = -Iprebuilt/include/smpeg -lsmpeg
PNG = -lpng
JPEG = -ljpeg
FREETYPE = -Iprebuilt/include/freetype2 -lfreetype
TIFF = -ltiff
#ZLIB = -lz
VORBISFILE = -lvorbisfile
VORBIS = -Iprebuilt/include/vorbis -lvorbis
OGG = -Iprebuilt/include/ogg -logg
PORTMIDI = -lportmidi
#AVFORMAT = -Iprebuilt/include -lavformat -lavcodec -lavutil
#SWSCALE = -Iprebuilt/include -lswscale -lavutil
# Ensure make_prebuilt.py includes the ffmpeg headers.
#COPYHDRS_AVFORMAT = -lavformat -Iprebuilt/include/libavformat
#COPYHDRS_SWCALE = -lswscale -Iprebuilt/include/libswscale
#COPYHDRS_AVCODEC = -lavcodec -Iprebuilt/include/libavcodec
#COPYHDRS_AVUTIL = -lavutil -Iprebuilt/include/libavutil
# Ensure make_prebuilt.py includes the freetype2 headers.
#COPYHDRS_FREETYPE = -lfreetype -Iprebuilt/include/freetype2/freetype -Iprebuilt/include/freetype2/freetype/config
# The DLL's
COPYLIB_SDL -Lprebuilt/lib/SDL.dll
COPYLIB_SDL_ttf -lSDL -lfreetype -Lprebuilt/lib/SDL_ttf.dll
COPYLIB_SDL_image -lSDL -ljpef -lpng -ltiff -Lprebuilt/lib/SDL_image.dll
COPYLIB_SDL_mixer -lSDL -lvorbisfile -lsmpeg -Lprebuilt/lib/SDL_mixer.dll
COPYLIB_freetype -lz -Lprebuilt/lib/freetype2410.dll
COPYLIB_smpeg -lSDL -Lprebuilt/lib/smpeg.dll
COPYLIB_tiff -ljpeg -lz -Lprebuilt/lib/libtiff.dll
COPYLIB_png -lz -Lprebuilt/lib/libpng15.dll
COPYLIB_jpeg -Lprebuilt/lib/jpeg.dll
#COPYLIB_z -Lprebuilt/lib/zlib1.dll
COPYLIB_vorbisfile -lvorbis -Lprebuilt/lib/libvorbisfile.dll
COPYLIB_vorbis -logg -Lprebuilt/lib/libvorbis.dll
COPYLIB_ogg -Lprebuilt/lib/libogg.dll
COPYLIB_portmidi -Lprebuilt/lib/portmidi.dll
#COPYLIB_avformat -lavcodec -lavutil -Lprebuilt/lib/avformat-52.dll
#COPYLIB_swscale -lavutil -Lprebuilt/lib/swscale-0.dll
#COPYLIB_avcodec -lavutil -Lprebuilt/lib/avcodec-52.dll
#COPYLIB_avutil -Lprebuilt/lib/avutil-50.dll

On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Kevin MacPherson <kevin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Not sure if there is still an issue but you will probably want to download it from the bitbucket site.
Last I checked (a month or so ago) the ftp download had issues with python versions greater then 3.3.1 which was fixed but wasn't updated on the ftp site.


On 14/06/13 12:34 PM, Noel Garwick wrote:

You need to install the version of pygame for python 3.3. The one you installed is for python 2.7.

On Jun 14, 2013 12:23 PM, "David" <dvp1964@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On my windows 7 PC, I installed Python 3.3.2 Windows x86 MSI Installer

Then I got pygame-1.9.1.win32-py2.7.msi

During the install of pygame it wanted to know where python was installed so I put in C:\Python33\ which is correct.

Then I read  to check that Pygame is install correctly, type the following into the interactive shell:

>>> import pygame

and got this:

Python 3.3.2 (v3.3.2:d047928ae3f6, May 16 2013, 00:03:43) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> import pygame
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
    import pygame
  File "C:\Python33\lib\site-packages\pygame\__init__.py", line 95, in <module>
    from pygame.base import *
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

Why did it fail?

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