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Re: [pygame] Some way to pickle or otherwise save a pygame.mixer.Sound object?

16 bit wav files. 1411 kbps. About 5 megs each but one is very long (a 13 minute medley of all of them, 133 megs).

You bring up a good point, I can certainly make them mono.

But surely there must be some way to save a preloaded state?

On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 11:32 PM, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Alec Bennett wrote:
since it needs to load each of the 20 sounds on startup it takes about 30 seconds to load. I'm running it on a Raspberry Pi, which doesn't help of course.

How big are the sound files? Unless they're really enormous,
that sounds excessive, even for an R. Pi.

What format are they in? If they're in some kimd of compressed
format, try saving them as .wav files. That might be faster
to load even though the file is bigger.
