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Re: [pygame] Re: Some way to pickle or otherwise save a pygame.mixer.Sound object?

A second solution is to load the sounds in the background of the game, especially if you're going to launch on a menu where the sounds won't be needed. You can pre-populate a dictionary with dummy sounds and use a thread to go through and load each sound into the dictionary while the user interacts with the menu.

SOUND_PATH_MAPPING = {'horn_funny': 'horn_funny.ogg', 'horn_sad': 'extra_sounds/horn_sad.wav'}
SOUNDS = {name: None for name in SOUND_PATH_MAPPING}
def load_sounds():
    for name, path in SOUND_PATH_MAPPING:
        SOUNDS[name] = pygame.mixer.Sound(path)

def load_sounds_background():
    thread.start_new_thread(load_sounds, ())

There's no menus, it just loads and waits for the user to trigger sounds on a keypad. I could play a single sound while the other sounds are loading, but I'd prefer to have it fully functional at startup if possible.