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Re: AW: [pygame] Embedding pygame?
Thanks Dirk.
Looks as if I'd be on shakey ground to rely on this functionality (in
future)... oh well.
DirkK <d_krause@pixelpark.com> writes:
> On a similar question Kevin told me the following; but unfortunately I
> didn't try it:
> ----snip----
> The comments below are for PythonCard. If you are using wxPython by itself,
> then each window has the GetHandle() call, you don't need the _delegate part
> which is specific to PythonCard which wraps all of the wxPython windows.
> ka
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pete Shinners [mailto:pete@shinners.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 8:32 AM
> To: Kevin Altis
> Subject: Re: wxPython and pyGame
> > I heard you managed to do the trick to display a pygame surface in an
> > wxPython frame ... can you tell me how, maybe send a code snippet?
> yes, i did manage. it's actually not too hard.
> first, make sure you've got pygame-1.2 (which shouldn't be tough).
> if you are on windows you will need the latest CVS version of
> SDL-1.2.3 (anything less won't work). on unix, you should be
> fine with anything since SDL-1.2
> anyways, once you have that you are ready to roll.
> wxpython has a command to get the system window id
> for any control. it is inside a hidden "_delegate"
> member, so you would say "MyControl._delegate.GetHandle()"
> what you want to do is set an environment variable
> named "SDL_WINDOWID" with this value. also, if you are
> on windows, you need to use the 'windib' driver, not 'directx'
> id = imgDraw._delegate.GetHandle()
> os.environ['SDL_WINDOWID'] = str(id)
> if sys.platform == 'win32':
> os.environ['SDL_VIDEODRIVER'] = 'windib'
> make sure you do that before calling pygame.init(). then
> you make a pygame.display.set_mode() call as usual. i'm
> guessing it just ignores the size arguments you pass it,
> but i've always just given it the right size
> that should do it for you. let me know if otherwise :]
> ----snip----
> -----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
> Von: pygame@lee-morgan.net [mailto:pygame@lee-morgan.net]
> Gesendet: Freitag, 1. Marz 2002 02:47
> An: pygame-users@seul.org
> Betreff: Re: [pygame] Embedding pygame?
> Pete Shinners <shredwheat@attbi.com> writes:
> >
> > the sdl window can run in embedded gui's, but it seems to be sort of hit
> and
> > miss. for example, i've seen it working with wxpython, but hear there's no
> luck
> > with pyqt. running inside an IE activex control seems like a longshot, but
> i
> Are there any examples with wxPython knocking around?
> Thanks.
> --
> pygame
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