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[pygame] slagpanic

Hi all, I've written a new game with Python and
Pygame, you can download CVS sources and datas from
savannah it should be about 2.6 MB if you select a
compression level:

export CVS_RSH="ssh"

cvs -z3 
co slagpanic

It should works at least on Windows and Linux
platforms, but on other platforms that support Python
and SDL you shouldn't have any trouble. 
You need Numeric too! PIL is just suggested.

It is not entirely written in Python, there is a
little C++ module called "optim.cpp", created to
increase a function's performance. It's available a
Python version of this function, but is very slow. In
the package there is already a precompiled version of
"optim.cpp" for Linux, realised with Python 2.2, if
you have problem with it just change to "code"
directory and type "make",
this will compile "optim.cpp". You need Python
development library installed to link. This procedure
should work on all Unix platforms, I have no idea of
how to make it work on Windows and Mac platforms. 

If launching the game you see the message: "No optim
module found, I will use getPolygonRect Python
version", means that you have not the compiled version
of optim, the game will run using the Python version,
I can't assure you on its
affidabilty and speed.

Refer me any problem and error please.

see you

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