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Re: [pygame] pygame for 2d graphics

Madhubala wrote:
> My code is  below
> -------------------------------------
> s = pygame.Surface((4892,3164)) #original dimension of a screen in
> pixels got from some other application
> s.fill((255,255,255))
> pygame.draw.aalines(s,(0,0,0),True,[(3000,2500),(3192,2500),(3192,2648),(3000,2648)],0)
> #original dimensions of a rect
> pygame.display.init()
> w = pygame.display.set_mode((1000,750))
> s1 = pygame.transform.scale(s,(1000,750))
> w.blit(s1,(0,0))
> pygame.display.flip()

> When i am trying to scale down the original surface to pygame window ,
> the rectangle is not visible.
> This is original scalling. I have to provide different scalling
> levels to provide  zooming effect .

You are experiencing the destructive effects of aliasing. The scale function probably does point or at best bilinear sampling. When scaling down by such a large factor you must first filter the image to remove frequencies above 1/2 the sampling rate, then sample. This can be done with a convolution but is likely to be slow. You'll likely also be unhappy with the resulting dimness of the lines. The filtering will blend them with their environment causing them to be light gray instead of black.

You can read more about aliasing at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliasing
