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Re: [pygame] pygame on mac?

> Is there pygame compiled for mac PPC?

not really. i have had one of the SDL users do some very
initial testing on the source, and at this point it should
compile cleanly on the mac.

in python2.1 distutils now supports codewarrior on macos.
i'd really like to find a mac user willing to get this going.

all it should take at this point is manually building the
"Setup" file. (actually, on OSX i think the config_unix" 
script might actually work?) all the "Setup" file really does
is tell the compiler where the headers and libraries are.
Once that is done it should compile and install cleanly on
macos. that would be a great start, from there i'd really
hope someone could put together a "config_mac" script that
could try to automatically find the SDL headers and libraries.

so the current status is, at this point no work has been
finished for macos. although initial testing has proved to
work very well. with python2.1 it should be pretty much plug
and play, we just need someone who can go for it.

btw, beos support was recently added into CVS. all that was 
needed there was to rename some internal functions that were
conflicting with standard beos library function names. i'd
really be happy to see macos officially supported in the next
pygame release.

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