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Re: [pygame] Ridiculously simple way to seperate game-object code

Holy Grail, Batman!

For some reason I am reminded of NetHack. Am I wrong, or could this
have great use in a text adventure game? Or even a graphical game, but
one should start small.

And Hofmann... you wouldn't happen to play the trumpet, would you?

On 5/21/06, Kamilche <klachemin@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It's possible to do it without using custom code for each class.
Take a look at this data driven snippet:

class Person(object):
     name = 'Person'
     health = 50
     hunger = 10
     def __setattr__(self, key, val):
         if key == 'health':
             if val < 1:
                 print "%s is dead!" % self.name
                 print "%s has %d %s remaining" % (self.name, val, key)
         elif key == 'hunger':
             if val > 100:
                 print "%s has starved to death!" % self.name
                 print "%s is %d%% hungry" % (self.name, val)
         object.__setattr__(self, key, val)

class GameObject(object):
     name = 'GameObject'
     adj = 'affects'
     stat = 'health'
     empty = 'The %s is empty!'
     value = -1
     amt = 1
     fmtline = "@NAME @ADJ @TARGET for @VALUE"
     def Use(self, target):
         if self.amt < 1:
             print self.empty % self.name
             val = getattr(target, self.stat, 0) + self.value
             s = self.fmtline
             s = s.replace('@NAME', self.name)
             s = s.replace('@TARGET', target.name)
             s = s.replace('@ADJ', self.adj)
             s = s.replace('@STAT', self.stat)
             s = s.replace('@VALUE', str(self.value))
             print s
             setattr(target, self.stat, val)
             self.amt -= 1

class MachineGun(GameObject):
     name = 'Machine gun'
     adj = 'shoots'
     value = -10
     amt = 100

class Bomb(GameObject):
     name = 'Bomb'
     adj = 'blasts'
     empty = 'The %s has already been detonated!'
     value = -100
     amt = 1

class HealthPotion(GameObject):
     name = 'Health Potion'
     adj = 'heals'
     value = 10
     amt = 1

class Poison(GameObject):
     name = 'Belladonna'
     adj = 'poisons'
     value = -1
     amt = 1

class Food(GameObject):
     name = 'Banana'
     fmtline = '@TARGET eats the @NAME '
     stat = 'hunger'
     empty = "The %s has already been eaten!"
     value = -1
     amt = 1

def main():

     person = Person()
     machinegun = MachineGun()
     for i in range(5):

     person = Person()
     bomb = Bomb()

     person = Person()
     machinegun = MachineGun()
     for i in range(4):

     potion = HealthPotion()

     poison = Poison()

     banana = Food()


''' Sample output follows:

Machine gun shoots Person for -10
Person has 40 health remaining
Machine gun shoots Person for -10
Person has 30 health remaining
Machine gun shoots Person for -10
Person has 20 health remaining
Machine gun shoots Person for -10
Person has 10 health remaining
Machine gun shoots Person for -10
Person is dead!
Bomb blasts Person for -100
Person is dead!
The Bomb has already been detonated!
Machine gun shoots Person for -10
Person has 40 health remaining
Machine gun shoots Person for -10
Person has 30 health remaining
Machine gun shoots Person for -10
Person has 20 health remaining
Machine gun shoots Person for -10
Person has 10 health remaining
Health Potion heals Person for 10
Person has 20 health remaining
Belladonna poisons Person for -1
Person has 19 health remaining
Person eats the Banana
Person is 9% hungry
The Banana has already been eaten!