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Re: [pygame] creating a sprite image in code

Here's an example that creates a white circle with diameter "size" with a transparent background:

image = pygame.Surface((size, size), 0, 8)
key_color = (0, 0, 0)
pygame.draw.ellipse(image, (255, 255, 255), image.get_rect())

Obviously you can draw whatever you like in your image surface.



On May 1, 2007, at 12:08 PM, Rodney Brown wrote:

I've seen examples on how to load sprites or sprite pages from a .bmp file, but I haven't seen an example of making a simple sprite in code.

Does anybody know of an example where the sprite image is created in the code itself, instead of loading a graphics file? For what I'm working on at the moment I only need say a 3x3 sprite, which would be a waist to have to load it from a .bmp file.

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