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[pygame] Question about timing
- To: pygame-users@xxxxxxxx
- Subject: [pygame] Question about timing
- From: "Francesco Martino" <francesco.k@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 15:57:30 +0200
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- Reply-to: pygame-users@xxxxxxxx
- Sender: owner-pygame-users@xxxxxxxx
Sorry if my question is silly, but maybe I didn't catch very much some question about pygame.time module.
I am writing an application which needs to very accurate about timing; it displays sequentially some images, each one of them remaining on the screen for a constant time T.
This is a part of the code I wrote to understand how time module works:
clock = time.Clock()
while 1:
msec = clock.get_time()
print "1. msec = %i" %msec # these lines has been written just to see what is returned by get_time()
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
surf.fill((255,255,255,255)) # these lines has been written just to see what is returned by get_time()
msec = clock.get_time()
print "2. msec = %i" %msec
This is the output of th application:
1.msec = 1767859565
2.msec = 1767859565
1.msec = 1767859565
2.msec = 1767859565
1.msec = 1767859565
2.msec = 1767859565
My problem is that I cannot understand what type is returned by get.time():
at http://snipurl.com/28h08, it is reported that this method returns an int
at http://snipurl.com/28h0t , it is reported that this method returns milliseconds.
My other question is: is it possibile to transform milliseconds type into an int?
I am using Pygame 1.7.1
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide me,