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[pygame] Re: Assembly Line Game
Kris Schnee wrote:
I noted that the tutorial was inaccurate, because in the Mojo Mallet
setup it said to buy 40x10 sheets of material, when in fact you couldn't
buy that size.
Yeah, I changed the available sizes and haven't got round to
updating the tutorial. Thanks for pointing it out.
I may need to do some rebalancing as well. The intention
is for the Mojo Mallet to be barely profitable when
manufactured the straightforward way, but not actually
Sales of Funky Frisbees seem to fall off dramatically after a few
months. Is this intentional?
Yes, there's a limited total number of customers for each
product, and it becomes harder to find customers as they
become scarcer. You need to keep an eye on your stock
levels and scale back production if you're outstripping
The factory animations look buggy when speed is set to high, but this is
probably due to identical parts moving so fast that they seem to be
going backwards.
Yes, you tend to get strobe effects at high speeds. I
don't think there's much I can do about that -- there
just aren't enough frames per second to animate it
properly at the highest speed.
It seemed that I would load and find that my latest factory
had vanished.
That's a bit of a worry -- let me know if you find a
way of reproducing it.
I placed a Packing Station, hit "On," got a "not configured" warning,
then deleted the Packing Station, but the warning icon above where the
machine was stayed on the screen.
I know, the way that part works is a bit simplistic.
I'll see if I can do something about it.
In any case, thanks for showing this game off!
Thanks for the feedback. Nice to know someone's having
fun with it!