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Re: [pygame] vector type: mutable or immutable

Lorenz Quack schrieb:
Gregor Lingl wrote:
pression without the in-place operator (as would be necessary if we go with immutable types).
Hi Lorenz,

I'd propose not to confuse two things:
(1) use of syntax x = x + x versus x += x
(2) use of immutable versus mutable datatypes

In python you can write

 >>> a = 2
 >>> a = a + a
 >>> a

as well as

 >>> a += a
 >>> a

although the int type is immutable.

true, but as a performance test I think my approach is still valid because if you do
ok. my objection concerned also some previous postings in this thread that stated,
that use of a+=b makes a mutable vector type necessary.
>>> a = 2
>>> a += a
I believe the interpreter internally takes the two operands (in this case a and a) adds them and then rebinds the result to a (the id changes) so effectively doing
>>> a = a + a
exactly because a is immutable
if a were mutable the two expressions would be indeed different the += version would not create a new instance and rebind the name a to it but modify the object a is referring to, while a = a + a would again create a new object and rebind it.
So therefore I believe that this test does make sense.
Tell me if I'm wrong somewhere.

here are the calls with the results:


which has more than 30000 digits. Which result did you get after 10000000 executions of the statement x = x + x?

And which implementation of the long integer type did you use that is that much faster than Python's ?


indeed those are valid objections. well first of all I used a self-written C extension with double as the underlying type. but the result after 1023 iterations turns into (inf, inf). this could of course invalidate the results so I modified the test:

>>> timeit.repeat("x = Vector2d(2,3); x += x", "from vector import Vector2d", repeat=5, number=10000000)

>>> timeit.repeat("x = Vector2d(2,3); x = x + x", "from vector import Vector2d", repeat=5, number=10000000)

>>> timeit.repeat("x = Vector2d(2,3)", "from vector import Vector2d", repeat=5, number=10000000)

Did you use two different Vector2d classes here, one mutable and one immutable? Why do they have the same name then? Or did you merely implement the operations x+=x and x=x+x differently?

If x = x + y creates a new object x or changes x is also a matter of how it is implemented.

Moreover it is my conviction that one must not decide about which data type to use on
the basis of a +- 50 percent difference in performance.

One more remark: At least on module of the standard library of Python has a (rather simple) 2d-Vector class implemented in pure Python, which of course has a considerably worse performance,
by a factor of 4 approximately:

>>> timeit.repeat("x = Vec2D(2,3); x = x + x", "from turtle import Vec2D", repeat=1, number=10000000)

Nevertheless one would expect a class implemented in C to run *much* faster than a pure Python solution. So I suspect that your implementation may not be sufficiently significant to serve as a criterion to
decide that issue.

Best regards,

so the numbers change but the overall result stays the same.